Equity, diversity, and inclusion

The priorities set forth by President Drake in 2022 include expanding opportunity and excellence (priority 1) and strengthening an inclusive, respectful, and safe community (priority 3).  With these priorities UC aspires to broaden access and opportunities for Californians and to be accountable for disparate opportunities and outcomes for members of our community. 

“The UC community has a collective responsibility to understand and be accountable for its own histories that have resulted in disparate opportunity and different and exclusionary experiences for members of its most vulnerable communities.”
— UC Presidential Priorities 

The dashboards highlighted below contribute to these goals through public sharing of system data that reflect the diversity of the UC community, assess equity and inequity in institutional outcomes, and explore the ways in which our students, faculty, and staff experience the UC environment as either inclusive or exclusionary.    

UC 2030

UC 2030 dashboard
Track progress on goals enumerated in the UC 2030 framework and the 2022 multi-year funding compact with the Governor. 

UC equity and student success goals
Learn more about the goals to improve outcomes for low-income and first-generation students and for students from racial groups historically marginalized in higher education. 


First generation college students
Explore trends and outcomes for the first-generation students that make up more than one third of the UC undergraduate student body.

Nonbinary student experiences at UC
Examine the comparative experiences of students disaggregated by gender and gender identity in this customizable report.  Comprehensive analyses explore climate, financial security, mentorship, mental health, and academic outcomes, with a special focus on nonbinary students and resilience.

UC and comparator Pell recipient graduation rates
Understand how UC outperforms its peers in enrolling and graduating Pell grant recipients. 

UC military-affiliated students
UC military affiliated students include active duty, guards, reservists, and veterans.  Learn more about educational experience and outcomes for these students.

UC repatriation of Native American human remains and cultural items
Learn about UC’s commitment to the repatriation of Native American and Native Hawaiian human remains and cultural items, and track items repatriated to date.

UC student disaggregated race and ethnicity data
UC students are invited to self-identify their race and ethnicity, and UC collects information for more than seventy identifiers that break down broad categories like Asian, Black, Hispanic, Native American, and White. Explore the diversity of the UC student body and follow trends in admissions, enrollment, and graduation.  

UC undergraduate current and former foster youth
All nine UC undergraduate campuses enroll current and former foster youth. Learn more about their fields of study, financial support, graduation outcomes, and more.


California high school graduation projections and A–G completion
Understand trends in demographics of high-school age Californians as well as the number of students graduating and projected to graduate. Review A-G completion trends by demographic group. 

SAPEP college access programs outcomes
Discover the impact and outcomes of the 13 programs in the UC Student Academic Preparation and Educational Partnerships (SAPEP) portfolio. 

UC's K–12 outreach programs
Learn about programs that expand access to UC while exploring program participation and outcomes.

Undergraduate affordability
Review trends in UC student financial support, net cost of attendance, and debt manageability.

Undergraduate representation gap analysis
rack progress in UC efforts to reduce disparities in representation by race and ethnicity between California high school and community college graduates and students entering UC.


UC workforce diversity
Track trends in representation by gender and race and ethnicity for UC academic appointees and staff.