Improving the lives of Californians
UC Agriculture and Natural Resources works to solve our state’s most pressing challenges in agriculture, natural resources, economic growth, nutrition and youth development. We do this through our statewide network of county offices, UC campuses, research and extension centers, statewide programs, more than 19,000 volunteers, and hundreds of government, community and industry partners.
Our research and education programs support:
Sustainable, safe, and nutritious food production and delivery
Economic success in a global economy
A sustainable, healthy, and productive environment
Science literacy and youth development
For all Californians
We strive to serve every resident in our state and to help to build an equitable, inclusive society.
Addressing the constant threat of wildfire
We deliver information and support to Californians on home hardening, post-fire food safety, prescribed burns, grazing for fuels management, and more.

Developing tomorrow’s leaders
The 4-H Youth Development Program promotes hands-on learning for urban and rural youth ages 5-19, engaging them in STEM, healthy living, leadership, animal science and other learning projects.