
Launchpad for the biotech industry. Birthplace of the internet. Home to four new inventions a day.

78 startup companies launched in 2023
1440 inventions in 2023
317 researchers among world’s most influential

Moving the world forward

UC research propels many of California’s leading industries, including agriculture, computing, clean energy, artificial intelligence and genomics.

A Nobel legacy

The University of California has a proud legacy of winning Nobel Prizes that stretches back to 1939, when Ernest O. Lawrence was awarded the prize in physics for his invention of the cyclotron. In the years since, dozens of other University of California faculty and staff have been awarded this highest international honor for their contributions in medicine, economics, physics and more.

Meet UC's Nobelists​

Hand on chalkboard with writing on it.
An animation that rotates through various vintage scientific illustrations

What has research done for you lately? 

Fig. 1 is a video series that explores groundbreaking ideas — from science to culture to history to psychology. Each episode asks a big question about our world and we talk with UC experts to get to the bottom of it.

Explore the Fig. 1 video series