UC goals for 2030

Ensuring that all students belong, learn and thrive

Equity is excellence

UC’s 2030 goals are driving bold, equity-centered change across our campuses to better serve California students. The University of California is working to boost graduation rates to 90% and eliminate academic disparities that disproportionately affect low-income, under-represented and first-generation college students.

UC is on track to produce 1.2M undergraduate and graduate degree holders by 2030 — a 20% increase between 2015 and 2030 — stemming from these ambitious goals.

A young woman wearing blue over-ear headphones and a black leather jacket, smiles at the camera while sitting at a table with a tablet.

90% Graduation Rate

86% of UC undergrads go on to earn a diploma. But the University is committed to helping even more students benefit from a life-changing UC degree.

UC first year graduation rate 86%

UC transfer graduation rate 90%

UC 2030 graduation rate 90%

National graduation rate 62%

Improve timely graduation

We’re also focused on helping students graduate more quickly — particularly those who are first-generation college students, or from low-income families and underrepresented groups. Students who graduated in four years had cumulative earnings $215K higher over a 16-year period than students who graduated in six years, making timely graduation important to economic mobility.

UC first year students graduating in 4 years

  • 50% of first year students graduated in 4 years in 1999
  • 73% of first year students graduated in 4 years in 2019
  • 76% of first year students are projected to graduate in 4 years in 2030

UC transfer students graduating in 2 years

  • 42% of transfer students graduated in 2 years in 1999
  • 63% of transfer students graduated in 2 years in 2019
  • 70% of transfer students are projected to graduate in 2 years in 2030

Close opportunity gaps

Today, a majority of California public high school students come from groups that have been underrepresented in higher education. UC’s 2030 goals provide a model for moving past historic inequities as part of our commitment to becoming a minority-serving research institution. As the state’s premier public research university, we are devoted to serving all Californians and providing a springboard for educational and professional success.

A row of students seated in a classroom, listening to a lecture
A young woman with long braids wearing a blue t-shirt that reads 'I (heart) UCLA transfers'
A student in a lab, wearing safety glasses and a UC San Diego lab coat, extracting a blue solution from a bottle

From insight to action

Behind every data point is a real person. We are devoted to our students and their academic success. With the UC 2030 goals, we’re putting data to work on their behalf. Equipped with on-the-ground, timely information, faculty, administrators, and even students themselves are using data to help drive meaningful change. 

Redefining the student experience at a public research university

Across our campuses, faculty, students and staff are pursuing innovative strategies for ensuring that all students can thrive equally at the University of California:

  • Re-thinking course design, pedagogy and the learning environment.

  • Ensuring that every student knows they belong.

  • Making the path to a UC degree transparent and obstacle-free.

  • Setting the standard for minority-serving research institutions.

See the work happening across our campuses: UC 2030 Report (PDF).

Two women at a table, working on their robotics project, in front of a whiteboard with component sketches and a few line graphs