UC Cooperative Extension |

Not just climate change: Study finds human activity is a major factor driving wildfires

People are responsible for more than 90 percent of California fires, says a UC Berkeley scientist.

UC Berkeley |

Time is ripe for fire detection satellite

Researchers have designed a fire-spotting satellite that could be built for a few hundred million dollars – a fraction of the nation’s annual fire-fighting budget – and orbited to spot fires earlier and save lives and property.

Retired NFL players have high levels of abnormal brain protein

Researchers found players with a history of concussions had elevated levels of tau protein, a precursor to both Alzheimer's and CTE, which afflicted the late Junior Seau.
UC Santa Barbara |

Invasive grass fuels increased fire activity

Cheatgrass implicated in more, and more frequent, wildfires in Great Basin region of western United States.