April 30, 2014
UC Newsroom
UC Newsroom
Ten University of California faculty members, including five from UC Berkeley, were honored for their outstanding contributions to research with election to the National Academy of Sciences.
They are among 84 new academy members and 21 foreign associates from 15 countries elected this year to one of the nation's most prestigious science organizations.
The new members from UC are:
UC Berkeley
- Richard Borcherds, professor of math
- Richard Harland, C.H. Li Distinguished Professor and co-chair of the department of molecular and cell biology
- Montgomery Slatkin, John L. and Margaret B. Gompertz Professor of Intergrative Biology
- Bin Yu, Chancellor’s Professor in departments of statistics, and electrical engineering and computer science
- Craig Evans, Class of 1961 Collegium Chair and professor of math
- Judea Pearl, professor emeritus in computer science
UC San Francisco
- Jason Cyster, investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and professor of microbiology and immunology
- Frank McCormick, director of the Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center and David A. Wood Distinguished Professor of Tumor Biology and Cancer Research
UC Santa Cruz
- James Estes, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology
- Thorne Lay, Distinguished Professor of earth and planetary sciences
The National Academy of Sciences is a private, nonprofit society established by Congress in 1863 to provide objective advice to the nation. Members are elected by their peers, and the academy is committed to furthering science in the United States.