November 23, 2015
UC Newsroom
UC Newsroom
Twenty-four University of California campus and affiliated lab researchers are among this year's new fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. They are among 347 AAAS fellows for 2015, honored for their contributions to innovation, education and scientific leadership.
With this year's new fellows, UC now has 866 living members of the AAAS. The association is the world's largest scientific society. The new fellows, by campus and area of concentration, are:
UC Berkeley
- Steven Beissinger, Biological Sciences
- James Demmel, Information, Computing and Communication
- Watson “Mac” Laetsch, Education
UC Davis
- Peter Barry, Medical Sciences
- Xi Chen, Chemistry
- Jan Hopmans, Agriculture, Food and Renewable Resources
- Chih-Ling Tsai, Statistics
UC Irvine
- Robert Moyzis, Biological Sciences
- Sergey Nizkorodov, Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences
- Douglas Black, Biological Sciences
- Patrick Harran, Chemistry
UC Riverside
- Hailing Jin, Biological Sciences
UC San Diego
- Shu Chien, Engineering
- Gen-Sheng Feng, Medical Sciences
- Stephen Howell, Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Edward Koo, Neuroscience
- Paul Mischel, Neuroscience
- Tariq Rana, Chemistry
UC San Francisco
- Louis J. Ptáček, Neuroscience
- William Seeley, Neuroscience
UC Santa Barbara
- Craig Hawker, Chemistry
UC Santa Cruz
- Paul Koch, Geology and Geography
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Kenneth Turteltaub, Biological Sciences
Los Alamos National Laboratory
- David Morris, Chemistry