UC Newsroom
The University of California is honoring the nation’s military veterans this week with ceremonies, receptions, art shows and other events on every campus.
At UC Davis, for example, yellow ribbons adorned all the trees in the quad, to symbolize the ties that bind the university to military personnel, both near and far. And it held a reception that brought veteran faculty, staff and students together.
“We are honoring our veterans and their service,” said reception organizer Bruce Mattos, a veteran himself and a member of the Veteran Constituency Group.
UC’s gratitude to the nation’s military personnel extends beyond Veterans Day activities. It has a comprehensive website to help returning military service members prepare for and attain a UC education. The website — designed as a one-stop-shop — details an expanding array of services for veterans, including:
- Pre-enrollment outreach;
- Eligibility for in-state tuition;
- Priority registration for classes;
- Veteran-focused campus orientations;
- Academic advising and career counseling;
- Pre- and post-deployment support;
- Housing services; and
- Social organizations.
The aim is to ensure that veteran and military affiliated students have access to a complete range of services, including health care, academic and career counseling, family support and assistance for students with disabilities, among others. Additionally, all 10 UC campuses have a dedicated veterans services coordinator to help students connect with career centers, academic advisors, student mentors and student veterans groups.
The University of California is committed to ensure that our returning service members and student veterans have access to all the resources they need to succeed.