UC Newsroom

The University of California unveiled its redesigned website Wednesday (Feb. 16), an overhaul that streamlines the digital experience to make it easier for users to find information about the 10-campus system.
The website is the flagship online presence for the University of California, drawing more than 4 million visits a year.
It was last redesigned eight years ago and needed a refresh to better meet the needs of today’s online users, said Brent Colburn, UC’s senior vice president for External Relations and Communications.
“As the digital gateway to the University of California, our website is an important tool used by millions of people each year,” Colburn said. “We wanted to make it easier for everyone to quickly get the information they need, whether they’re students interested in applying to one of our campuses, community members who want to learn more about our work, or alumni looking to reconnect with their alma mater. This redesign lets us put out the welcome mat and better serve Californians as we pursue our teaching, research and service missions.”
The makeover reflects modern web design standards, with a clearer sense of order and focus, a simplified navigational structure, and an improved mobile experience.
The website provides an overview of the world’s leading public university system and its commitment to improving lives through high-quality education, health care, research and service.
Comprised of 10 campuses, six academic health centers, three affiliated national laboratories and a research enterprise that produces five new inventions a day, it can be hard to grasp the full impact that UC has on California and the world.
The website features several new sections to help connect the dots for visitors by providing storytelling, data and links to resources. Highlights include:
A student success section that provides information on the financial, academic and social support that UC provides students from all backgrounds, including first-generation college students, student veterans, undocumented students and more.
For California highlights the impact of UC activities on the state, from advancing solutions to climate change to conducting more than 4,000 clinical trials a year.
The About us section makes it easy to find performance metrics on key topics like California student enrollment, graduation rates and alumni earnings.
“We hope visitors will enjoy the new digital experience, take time to explore the site and hopefully learn something new about UC in the process,” said Ram Kapoor, UC's chief marketing officer. “As with any website, it will always be evolving to better serve user needs, so we welcome feedback.”
Visitors to the site may provide comments to: webeditor@ucop.edu.