PERB refuses to take immediate action to stop unlawful strike — complaint against UAW is still pending

The state Public Employment Relations Board refused to take action today (June 3) to end the UAW strike across University of California campuses immediately.  

“We are disappointed that the state agency dedicated to the oversight of public employment could not take decisive and immediate action to end this unlawful strike – a decision that harms UC’s students who are nearing the end of their academic year,” said Melissa Matella, Associate Vice President for Systemwide Labor Relations. While PERB has not agreed to act immediately through an injunction, it has issued a complaint against UAW about its strike. 

UC will file a breach of contract action against UAW in state court as a next step.  

“Now that UC has exhausted the PERB process for injunctive relief, UC will move to state court and is hopeful for quick and decisive action so that our students can end their quarter with their focus on academics,” Matella said. 

Concurrently with state action, PERB is still charged with reviewing Unfair Labor Practices (ULPs). PERB has issued a complaint against UAW based on UC’s ULP.  On Friday, UC responded to the UAW’s ULP. PERB is still reviewing and has not issued a complaint against the University.