Statement on February AFSCME and UPTE Strike

The University of California is disappointed that AFSCME and UPTE plan to strike. Both unions have chosen to focus their energy on strike preparation and amplifying misinformation rather than negotiating in good faith. We have offered each union meaningful, wage increases, health care premium reductions, and other offers to directly address the issues they've indicated are important to their members.  

In addition, we have also continuously bargained in good faith and are disappointed that AFSCME and UPTE remain unwilling to do the same. UPTE, who began strike preparations the same month contract negotiations began, failed to attend the most recent bargaining session and declared an impasse before responding to our offers. AFSCME has not responded to the University's proposals or counterproposals since May 2024.  

While both AFSCME and UPTE may say they want UC to return to the table, the successful resolution of these contracts depends on their willingness to engage in productive bargaining. The University will do everything possible to ensure strike impacts on patients, students, faculty and staff are mitigated.  

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