UAW strike formally ends; breach of contract case will continue in Superior Court

The International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) agreed to extend the temporary restraining order that ended the strike that began last month. The University of California’s breach of contract case against UAW is ongoing.

  • Strike Officially Over: Both parties agreed to extend a temporary restraining order (TRO) through June 30. Since UAW had only authorized the strike through June 30, this extension signifies a formal end to the strike. In light of this agreement, the hearing on the preliminary injunction that was previously scheduled for June 27 is no longer necessary. 
  • Contract Dispute Continues: The underlying lawsuit regarding the breach of contract will proceed in Superior Court. The next hearing on the case will be on Nov. 8.
  • Unfair Labor Practice Charges Under Review: Separate unfair labor practice (ULP) charges filed by both the University and the UAW related to activities in May and the UAW’s strike will continue to be reviewed by the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB).

“While we are relieved this strike is over, we continue to seek clarity that our no-strike clauses are enforceable and that we can rely on our contracts to provide labor peace through the term of our agreements, supporting UC’s ability to provide critical academic and research services to our community,” said Missy Matella, associate vice president of Systemwide Employee and Labor Relations.