The University of California Office of the President issued the below statement today (Feb. 3) on the report by the UC Academic Council’s Standardized Testing Task Force (STTF):
The University of California Office of the President appreciates the diligent efforts by the Academic Council’s Standardized Testing Task Force (STTF) to thoroughly evaluate the use and efficacy of standardized testing in UC admissions.
This report is the culmination of more than a year’s research, analysis and thoughtful deliberation from task force members across a wide range of disciplines on UC campuses and will be instrumental in shaping the University’s continued evaluation of current testing practices.
The Senate’s faculty membership systemwide will review the report in February and March before submitting a final recommendation to President Napolitano, who will bring the issue to the UC Board of Regents.
The University aims to continue deliberating the role of standardized testing in our admissions process through a careful, fact-based approach so as to arrive at the most informed decision possible.
A decision by the Board of Regents is expected at its May meeting.
UC’s timeline for the evaluation of standardized testing:
- July 2018: President Napolitano requested the Academic Senate’s review.
- January 2019: UC Academic Council formed STTF.
- February 2020: The STTF completes its report.
- February – March 2020: UC Academic Senate solicits and compiles systemwide faculty input.
- April 2020: The Academic Assembly gives recommendation to President Napolitano for her consideration.
- May 2020: President Napolitano brings issue to the UC Board of Regents meeting, where regents are expected to make a decision.
Additional information on UC:
- Shared governance at UC: Shared governance is a distinctive organizational feature of the University of California in which the faculty, through the Academic Senate, share in the responsibility for guiding operation and management of the university, while preserving the authority of UC’s Board of Regents to ultimately set policy.
- UC Board of Regents: The governing board of the University with 26 voting members who, in collaboration with the president, oversee the institution and serve as UC’s stewards in fulfillment of its educational, research and public service missions.
- UC Office of the President (UCOP): Led by UC President Janet Napolitano, the office plays a distinct role in shaping the overall vision for the university and carrying out the core activities that enable the 10 campuses to function as a single university. It administers a systemwide undergraduate application system, guides systemwide research and public service programs, and provides centralized business functions, among other things.
- The Academic Senate is empowered by UC’s governing body, the Board of Regents, to exercise direct control over academic matters of central importance to the University (i.e., admissions, degree requirements) and to advise the administration on other critical issues (i.e., budgets, health & welfare programs, etc.). The universitywide Academic Senate represents the entire UC faculty through the Assembly of the Academic Senate, a 60-member body that takes final action on academic matters affecting more than one campus.
- The Academic Council is part of the Academic Senate. It is the executive committee of the Assembly of the Academic Senate and has the responsibility to request committees of the Senate to investigate and report to the Council or to the Assembly on matters of Universitywide concern.
- The Academic Senate review process: In its review, the Academic Senate will gather feedback from systemwide Senate committees and campus divisions. The Academic Council will consider all comments and send a recommendation to the Assembly, which will vote and communicate the Academic Senate recommendation to the president.