Update on search for University of California president

Storbeck/Pimentel & Associates, a woman and minority-owned executive search firm, has been selected to help identify candidates and facilitate a global search for a new president of the University of California.

In accordance with Regents Policy 7101, the special committee to consider the selection of a president met with advisory committees in early November to consult on the criteria for the position of university president. The advisory groups included faculty, students, staff, alumni, campus chancellors, laboratory directors and vice presidents. The special committee considered this feedback and other written comments received to draft new criteria. On November 14, the Board of Regents approved criteria, which can be found on the presidential search website.

College Futures Foundation, in conjunction with the University of California, is sponsoring two forums with the special committee to gather input from higher education associations and other organizations in the field of postsecondary education, workforce and economic development, and student success. College Futures Foundation works to ensure equity of opportunity and access to higher education in California. The forums will be held at UC Davis on December 13, 2019, and at UCLA on January 14, 2020. These will be open to the public and there will be an opportunity for public comment at each forum. Additional information can be found on the presidential search website.

The special committee will hold additional town halls on UC campuses in early 2020, and is planning to schedule other opportunities to meet with constituent groups of the university.

“The special committee looks forward to hearing the observations and advice of members of the university community to inform the search process for the next president of the University of California,” said committee Chair Gareth Elliott.

For more information see: https://presidentialsearch.universityofcalifornia.edu. Additional information will be posted on this website as it becomes available. Input from the public regarding the search is welcome and can be submitted by mail to Anne Shaw, Secretary and Chief of Staff to the Regents, 1111 Franklin Street, 12th Floor, Oakland, CA 94607 or by email to UCPresidentSearch@ucop.edu.   

The members of the special committee to consider the selection of a president are Regents Michael Cohen, Gareth Elliott, Cecilia Estolano, Sherry Lansing, Lark Park and Richard Sherman; Student Regent Hayley Weddle; Alumni Regent William Um; and Gov. Newsom and Board of Regents Chair John A. Pérez as ex officio members. Regent Elliott is the chair of the special committee and Regent Lansing is vice chair.