UCAN Student Ambassadors 2018-19

UC's Student Ambassador Program is bigger and more effective than ever:

  • 56 ambassadors
  • All 10 campuses represented
  • Reflect UC's diversity

UCAN Student Advisors

Chris Chen

Chris Chen ’20

Jonathaon Tsou

Jonathan Tsou ’20

Victoria Solkovits

Victoria Solkovits

Campus Leaders

Mandeep Ladhar

Mandeep Ladhar

UC Berkeley
Intended Public Health

Why I'm an advocate: I advocate because it empowers students to take part in policy making that directly affects our future.

Christina Lee

Christina Lee

UC Berkeley

Why I'm an advocate: By being an advocate, I wanted to “initiate” the step forward so that students can gain confidence and not be afraid of speaking up for themselves. With the help of other ambassadors and staff members, I saw how our voices can move from campus-wide to nation-wide.

Shaniah Branson

Shaniah Branson

UC Davis
History and Communications

Why I'm an advocate: I am an advocate because I have enough privilege to be one. I have access to higher education, which is not a universal opportunity. Being an advocate with and for the University of California allows me to use my voice to make higher education more affordable, intersectional, inclusive, and hopefully in the long run, universal.

Arya Blourchian

Arya Blourchian

UC Irvine
Economics with a minor in Business Administration

Why I'm an advocate: Public service has always been a passion of mine. Having the opportunity to represent the voice of UC Irvine this year has truly been an experience that I will forever cherish. As my peers would say, leave this world a little better than you have found it, and those are words I live by.

Maya Wong

UC Merced

Why I'm an advocate: I hope to ensure that all students are heard. I want all my peers to know that their voice matters.

Samuel Roberts

Samuel Roberts

UC Riverside
Public Policy

Why I'm an advocate: I am a UCAN advocate because the UC system is foundational to California’s education system. I am proud to be a UCAN advocate because raising awareness for the UC system not only increases student involvement, but also creates a fulfilling environment for current and future UC students.

Mark Sebarrotin

Mark Sebarrotin

UC Riverside
Political Science, Law and Society

Why I'm an advocate: I am an advocate because I know how far reaching and life changing the UC system can be for the lives of its students. I am personally a beneficiary of the good work the UC system can do. I, like many other students, am a first-generation college student hailing from a low-income single-parent household. I would not have been able to attend university had it not been for the compassion and inclusive policies of the UC. It is a place where people are pulled out of poverty and given a chance to reach the California Dream. It is worthy of our time, attention, and investment. I am an advocate for students like myself who otherwise would not have had the opportunity to move up and on with their lives.

Dillon Cooke

Dillon Cooke

UC San Diego
International Studies, Political Science

Why I'm an advocate: I chose to become a UCAN advocate because I sought the opportunity to work towards tangible, incremental change in order to improve student outcomes across the UC system.  I also enjoyed the opportunity to delve into California's budgetary process and many other non-academic, professional learning experiences.

Sam Ellman

Sam Ellman

UC Santa Barbara
Environmental Studies

Why I'm an advocate: To learn about the UC budget process and advocate for change on UC campuses, whether that be by expanding financial aid opportunities to make UC more inclusive and accessible, or by advocating for legislation that provides infrastructural improvements to help support growing enrollment, all of which provide a happy and healthy learning experience for students.

Eric Moon

Eric Moon

UC Santa Barbara
History of Public Policy

Why I'm an advocate: As the eldest son of South Korean immigrants I am truly grateful for the opportunity that being an UC student grants me. I am also all too aware of the challenges that come with fighting for a better future, as I have personally experienced the struggles of finding a way to not only pay for tuition, but also for all of the many associated costs of going to college, like food, textbooks, and other necessities. I want to make sure that a UC education is affordable and accessible for current and future students.

Dorysel Sandoval

Dorysel Sandoval

UC Santa Cruz

Why I'm an advocate: I believe students who would like to pursue higher education should not have added barriers to education. I am one of the many voices for students who attend this institution and need additional support from the legislature.

Cody Krivacic

Cody Krivacic

UC San Francisco

Why I'm an advocate: It is vitally important to provide both students' and scientists' perspectives to legislators so that they can make informed policy decisions. Being a UCAN ambassador allows me to interact directly with legislators, as well as encourage other students, staff, and faculty to reach out to their representatives so that as many voices can be heard as possible.

Iris Hinh

Iris Hinh

Political Science

Why I'm an advocate: As a UCAN ambassador I get to learn more about the state legislative process and encourage UC students, alumni, and parents to become involved in shaping state policies. As a UCAN ambassador, I advocated for legislation that would expand summer Cal Grants and provide funding to improve classrooms and infrastructure.

Iveth Lopez Obeso

Iveth Lopez Obeso

Chicana/o/x Studies

Why I'm an advocate: I believe that all students have the right to higher education, and as a community we can all work together to help all individuals learn, explore, achieve, and transform.

UC Office of the President State Governmental Relations Team

  • Meredith Turner, Associate Director, Advocacy & Institutional Relations
  • Jennifer Brice, Advocacy & Communications Manager

UC Office of the President Federal Governmental Relations

  • Nicole Carlotto, Director of Communcations & Advocacy
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