Campuses & Locations

How 3D printing is changing the way we make (and break) smartphones

New developments in 3D printing might be the answer to many of our smart phone woes, from how easily they shatter to how quickly their batteries drain. Using 3D printed material could even reduce the environmental impact of mobile phones by limiting the…
UC Berkeley |

Device pulls water from dry air, powered only by the sun

Breakthrough harvester could help provide for your home's water needs.
UC Newsroom |

The strange, tumultuous life of solar power at the White House

Press conferences at the White House tend to occur in predictable locations: The Briefing Room, the Rose Garden, the South Lawn. In 1979, President Jimmy Carter chose a loftier venue: the roof. He didn’t do it for the view over Washington, D.C.; he wanted to…
UC Newsroom |

The California model: Make polluters pay

Even when climate change is a top priority for lawmakers, progress is challenging. It often comes down to money: We have plenty of expensive problems right now, so expensive problems down the road take a backseat.
UC Newsroom |

What to know before you go bananas about radiation

Giant lizards destroying cities. Mushroom clouds. Three-eyed fish.
UC Newsroom |

How conservatives are joining the climate change fight

Environmentalism was once a bipartisan issue — the Environmental Protection Agency was created by Republican President Richard Nixon — but today it’s often portrayed as a liberal cause in the United States.
UC Newsroom |

How to go green without really trying

It’s not easy being green — or is it?
UC Newsroom |

Your smartphone’s hidden history

In the last decade, smartphones have gone from novelty luxury items to a ubiquitous necessity. Faster networks, broader coverage, cheaper prices: These powerful devices have transformed the world in unexpected ways, driving commerce, fomenting revolutions and…
UC Newsroom |

How food label confusion is hurting the climate

Have you ever thrown away food simply because it was past the date stamped on the package? You’re in good company: A report from the Natural Resources Defense Council found that more than 90 percent of Americans are wasting food because of confusion over food…
UC Newsroom |

California’s force for research innovation

UC graduate students visit with lawmakers in Sacramento to share bold ideas for tackling California's big challenges.
UC Newsroom |

Where do greenhouse gas emissions come from?

If someone asked you to list the major sources of greenhouse gases around the world, what would you say?
UC Irvine |

Robots help stroke victims rehab

Patients regain motor control through technology developed by an engineering grad student.