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ANR via The Conversation |

California’s water paradox: why enough will never be enough

We are a land-rich but water-limited state, and increased supply leads to more demand.

Alcoholism drug appears to work for meth addiction

Researchers testing effectiveness of Naltrexone: 'Results were about as good as you could hope for.'
UC Irvine |

Awe promotes altruistic behavior

The sense of something greater than the self encourages cooperative behavior.
UC Newsroom |

UC to Congress: Federal financial aid helps keep college affordable

Pell Grants and federal student loans are vital to UC’s success in enrolling and graduating significant numbers of low-income and first-generation students.
UC Davis |

'Farmer-preneurs' improve crops in Southern Africa

A team of UC Davis grads, students and Zambian colleagues has built a company around simple technologies and practices that aid farmers in avoiding losses and growing more crops.
UC San Francisco |

Women with dense breasts may not need more screening

Routine mammograms will suffice for many women unless they are at high risk of developing cancer.
UC Riverside |

Moms' obesity compromises babies’ immune system at birth

Study reveals potential links between changes in a baby’s immune system and increased susceptibility and occurrence of diseases later in life.

Neuroscience helps explain American households’ $12 trillion debt

Op-ed: Psychiatrist explains how consumerist culture has warped Americans’ brains into reckless spending.

UC scientists to bury time capsule with letters to successors

Project part of May 26 celebration to commemorate 50th anniversary of UC Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center in Parlier.
UC San Francisco |

Microclinics help keep Kenyan HIV patients in care

Activating patients’ existing social networks helps reduce the stigma of the disease.
UC San Diego |

Youth dance classes score low in physical activity

Most youth dance classes — from ballet to hip hop — score lower than expected in physical activity.
UC Berkeley |

Discovery paves way for homebrewed drugs, prompts call for regulation

Sugar-fed yeast — long used for homebrewed alcohol — can yield drugs ranging from antibiotics to morphine. That may be where the government draws the line.