UC Newsroom |

JFK: Fifty years on

Looking back at President Kennedy's assassination a half century ago.

Film archive footage captures the Kennedy era

If you tuned in to watch the PBS documentary, “American Experience: JFK,” earlier this week, you saw historical footage taken from the holdings of the UCLA Film and Television Archive — including clips of John F. Kennedy during his presidential campaign and his nomination at the 1960 Democratic National Convention, a London meeting with Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev and the president returning from West Palm Beach on crutches.

UC Santa Barbara |

JFK presidency: what was, what might have been

Fifty years after his assassination, scholars examine John Kennedy's accomplishments and the work he left undone.
UC Berkeley |

Berkeley library readies Pat Brown archive

Former governor's documents will open a window to California political history in the 20th century.

New book recounts history of Indian boarding school

Historians co-author first collection of images and voices focused on an off-reservation Indian boarding school.
UC Santa Barbara |

Book explores labor politics and conservative right

UC Santa Barbara historian examines the contentious relationship that has spawned recent political turmoil.
UC San Diego |

Search for lost da Vinci mural

UC San Diego researchers make progress in search for masterpiece.