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Explore the UC story through data


UC workforce diversity

Current state and historical patterns in the gender, ethnic, and age diversity of UC employee segments using various interactive filters. (Back to 2011.)

SAPEP college access programs outcomes

The Student Academic Preparation and Educational Partnerships (SAPEP) portfolio comprises 13 educational programs administered by UC. Their purpose is to raise achievement levels and close achievement gaps among targeted student groups across California public schools, from pre-K to postgraduate.

Summer enrollment

Undergraduate and graduate summer enrollment, including cross-campus enrollment and breakdown by residency and visitor status.

UC Education Abroad Program (EAP)

Participation of UC students in the education abroad program by campus and other demographic characteristics; earnings of education abroad participants compared to non-participants.

Comparative salaries of university leaders

Comparisons of salaries for leaders at UC and AAU institutions using data collected and published by the Chronicle of Higher Education.

UC equity and student success goals

Overview of progress toward goals to increase rates of timely graduation for low-income (Pell recipient) and first generation students and for Black, Latinx, and Native American students.

UC employee headcount

Employee headcount dashboard with October and April snapshots back to 2011.

UC employees, full-time equivalent (FTE)

FTE of personnel by category and fund source with October and April snapshots back to 2011, as well as fiscal year data.

UC annual wage reporting

Summary annual wage statistics

University of California student voter participation in federal elections

This dashboard explores the voting behavior of UC students in the 2020 federal elections compared to that in 2016, using data from the National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement.