Young Black man in headgear next to a map of the human brain

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Moving groundbreaking research and discovery out of the lab and into the marketplace.

Take a tour of your thoughts with the 'Glass Brain'
The Glass Brain is kind of like it sounds. It’s a colorful, 3-D window into all the mysterious activities that light up the brain.
Activist, entrepreneur duo ready to throw the ‘pink tax’ overboard
It's a classic American story: Soon-to-be grads Helen and Rachel Lee are fighting to get a tax — on feminine hygiene products — repealed.
Want to meditate more effectively? Try algorithms
Digital media often seems to deplete our attention. Scientists have found a way to flip that equation.
Synthetic version of CBD treats seizures in rats
Scientists develop a cannabidiol analogue that shows promise for treating epilepsy without needing to cultivate marijuana.