Doctoral retention and completion
Persistence rates and 8 and 10 year degree completion rates for students pursuing the academic doctoral degree.
Average time required to complete the doctoral degree among UC students, and AAU comparative data.
UC's Natural Reserve System use data
The Natural Reserve System is a library of California ecosystems used for research, teaching, and public outreach. Learn how our protected lands serve as outdoor laboratories and classrooms without walls, advancing our understanding of the natural world.
UC equity and student success goals
Overview of progress toward goals to increase rates of timely graduation for low-income (Pell recipient) and first generation students and for Black, Latinx, and Native American students.
UCUES common items longitudinal analysis
A dashboard that compares responses to questions common to the last seven bi-annual UCUES surveys since 2006.
California Community College new enrollments at UC
Enrollees from the California Community Colleges, by year and UC campus.
UC 2030 dashboard
This dashboard shows the UC 2030 goals in UC's multiyear framework.
UC and comparator Pell recipient graduation rates
UC campuses compare favorably in both the share of Pell grant recipients enrolled and those students’ six year graduation rates when compared to American Association of Universities (AAU) member schools, California State University (CSU) campuses and a selection of other large state university systems.
Awards and proposals
Summary charts and data tables of sponsored project awards and proposals, including breakout tabs of federal and state funding./infocenter/
UC student disaggregated race and ethnicity data
Student enrollment and degree counts, and undergraduate admissions and graduation rates, by disaggregated race/ethnicity category.