UCLA study finds yoga, meditation more effective than memory-boosting exercises.
UC Santa Barbara |
The brain game
A new book by UC Santa Barbara's Kenneth S. Kosik offers strategies for reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
Finding an answer to why some develop Alzheimer’s — and others don’t
First-of-its-kind UCLA nursing school study examines synapses to better understand progression of the disease.
Sounding the alarm on a future epidemic: Alzheimer's disease
UCLA biostatistics team forecasts prevalence of the disease under different circumstances
San Francisco Chronicle |
UCSF links key dementia protein, brain traumas
Prions, long studied by UCSF professor and Nobel laureate Stanley Prusiner, build up in the brain to cause Alzheimer's and other dementias. Now they're linked to post-traumatic stress disorder in combat veterans and in the brain damage of athletes who have suffered repeated concussions.
Retired NFL players have high levels of abnormal brain protein
Researchers found players with a history of concussions had elevated levels of tau protein, a precursor to both Alzheimer's and CTE, which afflicted the late Junior Seau.
Stunted growth genetically linked to excess growth
Discovery ends geneticist's 20-year quest for cause of rare IMAGe syndrome.