April 30, 2013
UC Office of the President
UC Office of the President
Eleven UC professors from seven UC campuses were elected today (April 30) to the National Academy of Sciences for their distinguished achievements in research. Election to the academy is considered one of the highest honors accorded to a U.S. scientist.
The new members, by campus, are:
UC Berkeley
- James M. Berger, professor of biochemistry and molecular biology
- Daniel A. Portnoy, professor of biochemistry, biophysics and structural biology
- James A. Sethian, professor of mathematics
UC Davis
- Jorge Dubcovsky, professor of plant sciences, and investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
UC Irvine
- Wilson Ho, Donald Bren Professor of Physics and Astronomy and of Chemistry
- Ernest M. Wright, Distinguished Professor of Physiology and Mellinkoff Professor in Medicine
- Edward M. DeRobertis, professor of biological chemistry and Norman Sprague Professor, School of Medicine, and investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
UC Riverside
- Xuemei Chen, professor of botany and plant sciences, and investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
UC San Diego
- Peter J. Novick, professor of cellular and molecular medicine, and George Palade Endowed Chair
- Nicholas C. Spitzer, Distinguished Professor of Biological Sciences
UC Santa Barbara
- Galen D. Stucky, professor, Departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry and of Materials
This year's class brings UC faculty membership in the academy to 269.