How the Paris climate accord is becoming reality at UC UC Santa Barbara February 27, 2018 UC's new strategy to wean off natural gas will make the university a global leader — and best of all, it's scalable.
‘Black Panther’ success amplifies findings of UCLA’s Hollywood Diversity Report UCLA February 27, 2018 A Hollywood myth says movies with racial diversity don't make money; this year's report tells a much different story.
Giving the devil his due UCLA February 22, 2018 In a new book, biblical scholar Henry Kelly says the devil is not who you think he is.
Cognitive benefits of 'young blood' linked to brain protein in mice UCSF February 22, 2018 Infusing old mice with the blood of younger mice leads to brain rejuvenation. UCSF researchers may now have figured out how.
The free online courses that are putting college in reach UC Newsroom February 22, 2018 With dozens of new offerings, UC Scout allows students anywhere in California to access a complete college prep curriculum.
5 essentials on paying for college UC Newsroom February 22, 2018 FAFSA forms are due March 2 — and we have some tips to motivate you to get all the financial help you can.
Some black holes erase your past UC Berkeley February 21, 2018 You could be freed into infinite futures — if you step into the right kind of black hole.
Everyday chemicals surpass cars as source of urban air pollution UC Davis February 20, 2018 A new study finds a shockingly high contribution from paints, pesticides, perfumes as vehicle emissions drop.
Wearables could catch heart problems that elude your doctor UCSF February 15, 2018 Smart watches can detect irregular heartbeats with startling accuracy. Can they predict heart disease?
Unwedded bliss — What nobody tells you about being single UC Newsroom February 15, 2018 A leading expert on the single experience celebrates the benefits of staying solo.