New multicampus course gets students involved in practical climate change solutions UC Newsroom November 15, 2017 Students at six UC campuses can learn how to fight climate change from top experts across the UC system.
Partnership with Umoja program helps community college students achieve, succeed at UC UC Newsroom November 14, 2017 Students from across the state find and nurture support networks for academic success.
How blood clots shrink — and why UC Riverside November 13, 2017 New research could help in the development of treatments for heart attack and stroke.
Homeless and Hunger Awareness Week empowers students to help needy UC San Diego November 13, 2017 The nationwide event inspires students to embrace public service here at home.
Scientists discover potential treatment to stop glaucoma in its tracks UC Berkeley November 8, 2017 It's a major step forward against a leading cause of blindness that affects 80 million worldwide.
Stress and resilience among Mexican-origin families in California UC Davis November 8, 2017 New research hopes to improve the health of more than 40 percent of the state's population.
UC seeks applicants for its Free Speech Fellowship Program UC Newsroom November 9, 2017 Fellows selected by the National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement will lead the way on issues related to the First Amendment.
UC Riverside celebrates grand opening of Veterans Resource Center UC Riverside November 8, 2017 The center will help former and current soldiers build community and a network of support for one another.
Late researcher Sharon Gray's wish fulfilled UC Davis November 16, 2017 Budding Ethiopian scientist Sara Gebremeskel interns at UC Davis, thanks to an outpouring of support for her late mentor.
Preventing disease with the help of social media UCSF November 7, 2017 Eleni Linos focuses on how technology influences our behaviors to make an impact on health.