UC President Napolitano meets with Washington leaders UC Newsroom May 19, 2016 Napolitano met with President Obama and other officials to highlight how UC is helping to drive solutions to the world's most pressing challenges.
First peek into the brain of a freely walking fruit fly UC San Diego May 19, 2016 UC San Diego scientists demonstrate new method for monitoring neural activity during social behaviors.
A great use for UC Irvine's garbage Campus staff have pioneered a program that turns dining hall food waste into fuel. KCET KCET: A great use for UC Irvine's garbage Read more about A great use for UC Irvine's garbage
When selling good karma goes bad UC Riverside May 19, 2016 A new UC Riverside study shows how beliefs affect responses to requests for help.
Doctors go digital at UC Irvine UC Irvine May 18, 2016 Smartphone attachments are replacing traditional tools of the trade.
Could the mystery of the meow actually be solved by a new talking cat collar? UC Berkeley via The Conversation May 18, 2016 A UC Berkeley doctoral student examines the latest effort to help animals and humans to communicate.
Rep. John Lewis highlights UC Davis School of Law commencement UC Davis May 18, 2016 The iconic civil rights leader delivered a rousing address on public service.
Across the universe UC Santa Barbara May 18, 2016 A UC Santa Barbara scientist sends new signals using light to find extraterrestrial life.
Cancer cell growth linked to nervous system in UC Merced study UC Merced May 17, 2016 Research shows cells with damaged DNA proliferate more in upper areas of the body and near brain tissue in flatworms.
Why does power make us lose our way? UC Berkeley May 17, 2016 What makes us steal candy and cut people off in our Priuses, explained by UC Berkeley's Dacher Keltner.