UC campuses, programs recognized for diversity

UC Newsroom
September 16, 2015

Higher Education Excellence in Diversity award, 'Bright Spot' in Hispanic education highlight UC's commitment to supporting diversity on campuses and in society.

Crunching numbers to combat cancer

UC San Francisco
September 14, 2015

National Cancer Institute grant of $5 million will fund a massive effort to integrate data from all experimental models across all types of cancer — moving the needle forward on precision medicine.

California needs to up its forestry game

California Magazine
September 11, 2015

'Wildfire season' is becoming a year-round phenomenon. But there are steps local and state government can take to curb the burn.

College scorecard highlights all-around value of UC

Scorecard's interactive website, which bases its analysis on data from students who received federal financial aid, shows that the University of California is a good investment for students, their families, and for federal and state government.