100 years of Cooperative Extension For a century, UC Cooperative Extension has helped make California the nation's leading agricultural state. University of California Camera UC Cooperative Extension: 100 years and counting Read more about 100 years of Cooperative Extension
5 weird effects of real spider bites Although Spider-Man got his superhero abilities from a spider bite, ordinary spider-bite victims may have to deal with other unusual (and much less pleasant) effects. Live Science Spider-Man: 5 Weird Effects of Real Spider Bites Read more about 5 weird effects of real spider bites
Angela Davis returns to UCLA classroom 45 years after controversy UCLA May 5, 2014 Now the Regents' Lecturer this spring, Davis will take the stage at Royce Hall — where she taught her first UCLA class.
More extreme heat and drought in coming decades Lawrence Berkeley Lab May 6, 2014 Ten-degree increases in average high temperatures in some parts of the country are among projections in the National Climate Assessment.
First honeybees; now wild bees and butterflies may be in trouble Many wild pollinators are threatened. Their decline could affect not only our food supply, but the very essence of our landscapes. Wired Beyond Honeybees: Now Wild Bees and Butterflies May Be in Trouble Read more about First honeybees; now wild bees and butterflies may be in trouble
Young blood reverses brain aging UC San Francisco May 5, 2014 Study shows cognitive improvements in old mice when connected to the circulatory system of younger rodents.
Why Mexicans are the most successful immigrants in America Where one starts matters. A new study from UC Irvine and UCLA challenges our definition of success. Slate Starting From the Bottom: Why Mexicans are the Most Successful Immigrants in Am… Read more about Why Mexicans are the most successful immigrants in America
Want a tot to "help" or "be a helper"? UC San Diego April 30, 2014 Adults' word choice makes a big difference in getting young children to lend a hand.
Who is at fault when a driverless car gets in an accident? UCLA May 2, 2014 Engineer: We already have the laws we need for dealing with this inevitable situation.
I say Hispanic. You say Latino. How did the whole thing start? UC Berkeley April 29, 2014 Sociologist traces the commercial, political and cultural interests that colluded in the 1970s to create a national Hispanic identity.