Dentist shortage bites California

March 26, 2014

More new dentists choose to practice out of state; the lingering recession, the elimination of Medicaid dental reimbursements and a glut of established dentists in wealthier, populated areas are among the reasons why.

California drought: Ray of hope in fish-vs.-farms dispute

UC Davis researchers flooded rice paddies to give young chinook salmon a spot to rest and feed as they migrate into the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. The three-year experiment has resulted in a dramatic increase in the size of migrating juvenile salmon every winter of the experiment.
Jacob Katz of Cal Trout
San Francisco Chronicle

A beautiful mind

In Adam Gazzaley’s new lab, the brain is a kaleidoscope of colors, bursting and pulsing in real time to the rhythm of electronic music. He also wants this to lead to treatments for a variety of brain diseases.