Global forum provides food for thought UC Office of the President April 12, 2013 How will we feed 8 billion people by 2025? Conference explores range of ideas.
Antimalarial drug launched UC Berkeley April 12, 2013 Jay Keasling's discovery 12 years ago finally leads to production of partially synthetic version of artemisinin.
Laser light zaps away cocaine addiction UC San Francisco April 2, 2013 Brain stimulation in rats hints at new therapy for human addicts.
California’s online registration drive draws broader voter base UC Berkeley March 26, 2013 More low- and middle-income people sign up online than expected.
Engineer invents a bionic eye UCLA Today March 26, 2013 Two decades of visionary research results in the first bionic eye for the blind.
Universe's baby pictures UC Office of the President March 22, 2013 Images from Planck telescope shed light on cosmos' earliest times.
Ph.D. students rethink the tenure track UC Berkeley March 21, 2013 “Beyond Academia” conference looks at life beyond academia for doctoral students.
Tomatoes mimic actions of good cholesterol UCLA March 19, 2013 The genetically engineered fruit helps curb inflammation, boost antioxidant activity and reduce plaques that can lead to atherosclerosis.
‘End of men’? Not even close UC San Diego March 19, 2013 Males retain lion’s share of power and prestige in post-recession economy.
Remote cities benefit from high-speed rail connection UCLA March 19, 2013 Real-estate booms in "second-tier" cities and improved quality of life are just some of the perks that come with new rail connections, a UCLA economist says.