A campus voice for the undocumented

UC Berkeley
September 18, 2012
Meng So's life experiences inform his work as UC Berkeley’s Undocumented Student Program coordinator, the only position of its kind at any university in the country.

Why are people overconfident

UC Berkeley
August 16, 2012
People who believe they are better than others, even when they aren’t, are given a higher place in the social ladder.

Berkeley helps workers retool for new careers

UC Berkeley
August 15, 2012
Laid-off workers are getting hands-on training in microfabrication at Berkeley’s Biomolecular Nanotechnology Center through a collaborative technical-education initiative with Oakland’s Laney College.

Curbing tobacco use by growing less

August 9, 2012
One way to reduce the deaths and disease from smoking is to show farmers how to change their choice of crops. A UCLA researcher has initiated successful crop substitution project in tobacco-rich China.