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UC President Napolitano, Attorney General Harris announce collaboration on sexual assault prevention and response efforts

President Napolitano and AG Harris unveiled a new toolkit that includes a model memorandum of understanding that can be adapted and used by California institutions of higher education and local law enforcement agencies that have jurisdiction over those…

California Matters: Mark Bittman, UC announce food video series

The 10-part series takes the renowned writer across the state to explore UC research in food, sustainable agriculture, policy and health.

UC Grad Slam showcases research, tests students’ straight-talking skills

UC Grad Slam competition challenges students to explain their research in just three minutes without using technical jargon.

UC extends Global Food Initiative student fellowship program

UCOP will continue to fund three fellowships per campus, with the amount increasing to $4,000 for each fellowship, to support student-generated research, related projects or internships that focus on food issues.

UC launches online Information Center

Interactive data allows the public to explore a wide range of topics related to UC.

Statement about the death of former Arizona Gov. Raul Castro

President Napolitano, former governor of Arizona, releases a statement about the death of Raul H. Castro, who served as the 14th governor of Arizona:

Jack Peltason praised for contributions to UC system and UC Irvine

UC President Napolitano releases statement on Jack W. Peltason, the emeritus UC president and emeritus chancellor of UC Irvine who died March 21.

Statement from UC president and UC Board of Regents chairman

Janet Napolitano and Bruce Varner address recent instances of anti-Semitism at University of California campuses.

Health Sciences and Services changes name to UC Health

The UC Office of the President's health division has changed its name to reflect its role providing leadership and strategic direction for UC’s five academic medical centers and 17 health professional schools.

UC-Mexico Initiative Advisory Board to meet in Ensenada, Mexico

The UC-Mexico Initiative Advisory Board advises on policy and resources and oversees working groups – on energy, education, health, environment, arts and culture – as well as a task force on student mobility.

UC progress on sustainable investments strategy

UC has taken a series of steps to combat global climate change by investing in sustainability, including becoming the first university in the world to sign the Montreal Carbon Pledge.

UC president comments on college ratings framework

President Napolitano writes to Secretary of Education Arne Duncan about the draft framework for the new college ratings system.