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Curry spice preserves walking ability following spinal-cord injury

Curcumin, a compound in turmeric shown to have many benefits, also helps animals with spine injuries. "An exciting first step," researchers say.

UC Irvine psychologist's research cited in Supreme Court decision

Court's ruling that states may not impose on juveniles mandatory life sentences without parole was influenced by a brief co-written by Elizabeth Cauffman.

New accelerator focuses on inertial fusion power

Research with NDCX-II will introduce advances in acceleration, compression and focusing of intense ion beams that guide design of major components for heavy-ion fusion energy production.

Study uncovers tools for targeting genes linked to autism

Analyses that incorporate gene expression and the DNA in circulating blood help scientists close in on therapeutic targets.

Drug combo better at preventing HIV transmission

A two- or three-drug combination given to infants of HIV-positive mothers within 48 hours of birth cut infection rates to half of what was achieved with AZT alone.

Book documents cluttered paradise of middle class

Unprecedented study of 32 families generates mountains of data on "material culture" of modern society.

UCLA dean named UC provost

Aimée Dorr will serve as university provost and executive VP for academic affairs.

UCLA’s Aimée Dorr to serve as provost for UC system

Veteran dean of UCLA's Graduate School of Education & Information Studies, named the next UC provost.

Task force seeks more inclusion for LGBT community

Team will develop strategies for enacting recommendations for creating a more welcoming campus environment.

UC student regent nominated for 2013-14

Cinthia Flores, a law student at UC Irvine, is slated to be the university's 39th student regent.

Asthma more likely if mother smoked during pregnancy

Acute symptoms 50 percent more likely in study of 2,500 African-American and Latino children.

Paul Terasaki gets UCLA Medal

University's highest honor goes to three-time alumnus, medical pioneer and philanthropist.