UC Berkeley |

California students to get later school start, thanks to UC Berkeley alum

Two alums played a crucial role in the development of a new law that pushed back California school start times.

UC San Diego |

Former Navy jet tech takes student veterans under her wing

UC San Diego’s Student Veterans Resource Center serves diverse military-connected students.

UC Newsroom |

10 tips for creating a meaningful second career

Looking for a career change? Reentering the workforce after taking time off? Here's how to navigate the process.

UC Newsroom |

From a life in poverty to a career in medicine, thanks to DACA

UC Irvine alum Rene Amel Peralta wants to serve his community as a physician. That dream will be in jeopardy if the DACA program ends.

UC Irvine via The Conversation |

Using stimulants to cram for exams ruins sleep and doesn't help test scores

Students looking to gain an academic edge by taking Adderall and other stimulants will find it backfires.

UC Newsroom |

UC STEM women share college their survival tips

Real-world advice from some trailblazing first-gen women in STEM.


Dyslexia, other learning challenges are focus of new $20M initiative

UCSF and UC Berkeley join forces to understand dyslexia and other specific neurodevelopmental differences that impact learning.

UC Newsroom |

8 tips to hack college

Starting college can feel overwhelming, but with a few simple tips you'll soon be right at home.

UC Newsroom |

New UC students share their hopes and dreams

We check in with nine of our newest arrivals as they launch into their journeys at UC.

UC Santa Barbara |

The cat. The myth. The legend

Big Boy, the unofficial campus cat, thrives thanks to an informal but comprehensive caretaking system.

UC Newsroom |

How UC spends the summer months

For the University of California, summer is a time to be unusually experimental, adventurous and productive.

UC Santa Barbara |

Spotting misinformation online via artificial intelligence

Computer scientist William Wang’s deep learning project aims to understand the spread of online misinformation.