Heart attack risk doubles for daily e-cigarette users

Vaping provides no improvement over regular cigarettes, study finds.

UC Irvine via The Conversation |

Is plastic making us fat?

When it comes to the obesity epidemic, plastics are fuel for the fire.

UC Riverside |

Physicians are burning out. Here's why.

One big factor is the use of electronic health records. 


Neurosurgeon’s accurate diagnosis restored teen’s vision

After two years of living in darkness and pain, Rhianna Wilson's future looks bright


56 suspect chemicals found in the average pregnant woman

A new screening method shows that we may have more exposure to industrial chemicals than we thought.

UC Health and UC San Diego |

Big data, big wins in medicine

Advances in patient care have already begun, thanks to UC's innovative approach to clinical data.

UC Merced |

Multimillion-dollar grant brings nicotine and cannabis policy center to campus

The new center positions UC Merced and the San Joaquin Valley as leaders in public health.

UC San Diego |

Could vitamin D lower your risk for breast cancer?

A new study suggests that those with higher levels of the vitamin had one-fifth the risk.

UC Berkeley |

CRISPR reduces autism symptoms in mice

Exaggerated repetitive behavior characteristic of autism was lessened after a receptor was edited.


Staying safe in the sun – a dermatologist helps separate facts from hype

Don't get burned by bad advice this summer.


Family travels 7,500 miles to save son’s life with treatment developed at UCLA

Stem cell gene therapy cures baby with life-threatening immune disorder.

UC Riverside |

Microchips can permanently link patients with clinical samples

The new technology could make some common medical mistakes could be a thing of the past.