Born in the Summer of Love: The Haight Ashbury Free Clinic transformed drug addiction treatment

Famed clinic celebrates its 50th anniversary.

UC Santa Cruz |

Rescuing damaged chromosomes

The discovery of a 'Hail Mary' mechanism for saving damaged cells could lead to new strategies to fight cancer.

UC San Diego |

Century-old drug could provide new approach to autism

A single dose produced groundbreaking improvements in language and social behavior, giving hope to families.


A new baldness treatment?

Those facing hair loss may want to become familiar with 'Tregs.'


How to beat jet lag (according to science)

Setting off? Don't forget to pack this advice.


UC collaboration unlocks a key to biofuel

The algae in your fishtank could provide new fuel and medical applications, thanks to its UC-decoded genome.

UC Santa Cruz |

Cancer in the crosshairs

UC Santa Cruz is taking on cancer where it begins: the genome.


Scientists identify biomarkers to guide hormone therapy for prostate cancer

Study indicates that genomic test may personalize therapy for patients.

Berkeley Science Review |

Thinking inside the cardboard box

UC Berkeley engineers use materials at hand to solve global problems, like roofing material made from recycled cardboard.

UC Newsroom |

UC launches drug discovery consortium

UC to work as system to speed and increase development of a range of drugs to help patients.


New battery-free implant is powered by your body

Supercapacitor could make pacemakers safer and more durable.


4 out of 5 physician moms report discrimination, much of it based on motherhood

Longer paid maternity leaves, backup child care and lactation support are recommended in a new study.