UC Berkeley |

Sleep loss truly causes you pain

Going without sleep heightens pain sensitivity and dulls the brain’s painkilling response.

UC Irvine |

Study identifies a new way by which the human brain marks time

With a little help from HBO's “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” scientists learn more about how we process the flow of time.


Can artificial intelligence tell a polar bear from a can opener?

How closely do deep learning computer networks mimic the human brain? There's still a long way to go, psychologists find.


Artificial intelligence can detect Alzheimer’s disease in brain scans 6 years before a diagnosis

A machine-learning algorithm diagnosed early-stage Alzheimer’s disease using a common PET scan.

UC San Diego |

Graduate student’s steerable brain device wins big at inventors competition

Gopesh Tilvawala is developing a first-of-its-kind catheter to navigate tiny arteries in the brain.


Sex chromosomes hold the secret to female longevity

Two X’s and ovaries extend life and protect mice from aging.


Can space help us understand our cells?

A UCLA scientist looks to space for possible treatment of some neurological diseases.

UC Riverside |

So cute you could crush it?

If you've ever wanted to pinch a baby's cheeks, you've suffered from cute aggression. Here's what that means.


Brain signature of depressed mood unveiled in new study

Direct recordings of the brain link memory, emotion and anxiety during low moods.

UCLA via The Conversation |

The one low-tech fix for teens' sleep problems

Sleep helps brains develop — no surprise. Unexpected was the importance of one aspect of where teens slept.


UCLA cell study reveals how head injuries lead to serious brain diseases

The first cell “atlas” of a hippocampus affected by traumatic brain injury is made.

UC Irvine |

Now you just need to remember to exercise!

Even mild physical activity immediately improves memory function.