UC Newsroom |

UC women empowering their communities

For Women's History Month, we spotlight just a few of the women who share their love of community with our community.

UC Riverside |

What’s in your drinking water?

Carl Cranor doesn't just want you to know — he wants to empower you to do something about it.

UC Merced |

New project aims to predict people likely to use firearms in suicides

Shocking stats about suicide by firearm (the most common method in the U.S.) move professors to action.

UC Newsroom |

Opportunity rising: The UC women fostering equality every day

A Women's History Month tribute to current students who are integrating equality into their lives, every single day.

UC Irvine via The Conversation |

Why cities should stop playing Amazon’s game and quit offering companies tax incentives

Economic research suggests tax incentives and other corporate subsidies don't have the positive impact they're supposed to.

UC San Diego |

The science of work

Are innovators born or are they created? Elizabeth Lyons sets out to answer questions just like this.

UC Berkeley |

Three years into soda tax, sugary drink consumption down more than 50 percent in Berkeley

Taxes may be a promising new tool in the fight again obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

UC Riverside |

Female presidents are held to higher standards than males

A new analysis of presidential approval ratings reveals truths about gender biases.

UC Santa Cruz |

The ghosts of fascism: Madeleine Albright in conversation with Pulitzer Prize winner Martha Mendoza

The former secretary of state warns a capacity crowd about the rise of authoritarianism.

UC San Diego |

UC San Diego undergrads modernize Tijuana’s emergency response system

The Cruz Roja Global Ties team created a mobile app to make ambulance dispatch in Tijuana easier, faster and more efficient.

UC Newsroom |

Young, gifted and black: The next generation of activists

This Black History Month, we honor some of the bright young activists who are challenging the status quo and working to build a better future for us all.

UC Santa Cruz |

Gov. Newsom appoints alumna and famed plaintiff Kris Perry to key post

The nationally recognized advocate for children receives a key post in the new administration.