When it comes to the obesity epidemic, plastics are fuel for the fire.
Is plastic making us fat?
Space probe to plunge into fiery corona of the sun
Carrying instruments built by Berkeley scientists, NASA plans to launch Earth’s first spacecraft to venture inside the orbits of Venus and Mercury to touch the very edge of the sun’s fiery corona.
Nobel laureate to join UC Riverside faculty
Alumnus and renowned scholar Richard Schrock will share pioneering science with faculty and students.
UC keeps Los Alamos National Laboratory on cutting edge of science and research
The university is proud to continue its stewardship of one of the world's premier scientific institutions.
Grad student discovers first known manta ray nursery
The habitat is the first of its kind to be described in the world.
Curing a deadly childhood disease, sharing her love of science, and a sleek ’68 Corvette drive this biochemist
Mashable captures a day in the life of Duchenne muscular dystrophy researcher.
Mammals going nocturnal to avoid humans
Human activity is causing the planet’s mammals to flee daylight for the protection of night, according to a new study.
Hot cars can hit life-threatening levels in only an hour
Interior temperatures can rise to 116 degrees Fahrenheit, potentially causing fatal injuries to children trapped inside.
Michael Pollan, on science, psychedelics and the human mind
The UC Berkeley professor talks his ‘trip’ through a whole new world on a new podcast.
Did your great-great grandpa eat bugs?
A gene for digesting crunchy insects suggests that our common ancestor in the Age of Dinosaurs was an insect eater.
Biologists ‘transfer’ a memory between snails
Research could lead to new treatments to restore memories and alter traumatic ones.
A drug lord and the world’s largest invasive animal
A zoo built by Pablo Escobar gives biologists a rare chance to study the impact of hippos gone rogue.