Researchers find that vapors kill cells in the mouth, which could lead to health problems.
Human brain houses diverse populations of neurons, new research shows
UC San Diego isolates 16 subtypes that could help identify disorders from Alzheimer's to depression.
‘Dark vortex’ confirmed on Neptune
UC Berkeley astronomers use the Hubble Space Telescope to study our distant neighbor's cloud convection.
Cutting-edge model of the heart will help scientists study new therapies
UCLA team that included William Klug shows the electrophysiology of heart failure.
UC Irvine chemists help find way to recycle plastic waste into fuel
New method could see trash inexpensively recycled into other commodities.
Rediscovering a wasp after 101 years
An animal that helps defend one of America's most unique trees has been captured by UC Riverside and partners.
Will science find a way to save Earth’s top predators?
A UC Santa Barbara researcher wants to help slow-to-recover species flourish again.
Local microbes can predict wine’s chemical profile
A wine's "fingerprint" could help with quality control, UC Davis finds.
Scientists find biomarkers that could drive better cancer survival estimates
UCLA research may also help scientists suppress dangerous genetic sequences.
Butterfly wings under X-ray reveal insights about color
What makes these insects so bright and colorful? UC San Diego may have found the answer.
Naps can boost memory, study shows
New UC Riverside research finds possible missing link between sleep and improved recall.
Our brain activity could be nudged to make healthier choices
UC Berkeley scientists capture the moment-to-moment dynamics of how we make decisions.