New research suggests that not knowing where you stand takes a serious toll.
Understanding human belief
Researchers make a breakthrough in quantifying belief system dynamics behind religion and politics.
Study shows foster care is bad for your health
First-of-its-kind survey finds greater mental and physical ailments among children who have been in the system.
What really motivates people to vote?
Hint: It's not policy.
The more you Google, the more likely you are to keep Googling
"Let me Google that for you" may not be so good for us after all.
Wine industry leaders optimistic as millennials opt for premium wines
It turns out young people are willing to trade in beer cans for a glass of wine.
How parenting has improved since the '60s
Almost all surveyed Western nations show an increase in child care time spent by both parents.
Mindfulness helps children as young as 3 manage their emotions during school
An innovative new program is helping students deal with stress and focus on schoolwork.
Are you a jerk? Take the quiz
These 5 simple questions developed by a philosopher will help you figure out where you stand.
Ever wonder what the teen brain is thinking?
A landmark national survey of emotional, cognitive and social development among adolescents is now underway.
Study links selfies and happiness
Smartphones aren't always negative — for stressed-out college students, sharing photos boosts positive feelings.
White racism linked to fatal heart disease for blacks and whites
Living in unabashedly racist communities can shorten lives, new study finds.