UC Food Observer |

How California's chicken industry is rapidly changing

Q&A with UC Davis' Maurice Pitesky about the shift to pastured, cage-free systems and impacts on backyard chicken farmers.

UC Berkeley |

Study helps map path to improved cassava production

With help of genomics, researchers hope to apply advanced breeding strategies that can improve cassava’s resistance to diseases and improve crop yields.

UC Merced |

How plants could adapt to changing climate

UC Merced botanists study plants in diverse habitats to peek into the future of California's crops.

UC Santa Cruz |

UC researchers publish roadmap for groundwater governance

A UC Santa Cruz professor leads a multicampus effort to provide recommendations for statewide management.

UC Santa Barbara |

Give and take

UC Santa Barbara researchers demonstrate how nutrient pollution can disrupt important ecological relationships.

UC Riverside |

Uncoding a citrus tree killer

UC Riverside-led team awarded $4 million grant to fight disease using CRISPR technology developed at UC Berkeley.

UC Food Observer |

Increasing food literacy

From orchard to campus, efforts are growing to enhance food literacy.

UC Food Observer |

Sustainability through local food: Elliott Campbell Q&A

The UC Merced professor discusses his groundbreaking research.

UC Newsroom |

Going global: UC fellows to tackle development projects

Approximately 40 graduate students from four UC campuses have been selected for USAID fellowships co-sponsored by the UC Global Food Initiative.

UC Riverside |

Future of small farms examined

UC Riverside development economist Steven Helfand joins multinational team analyzing productivity and global policies.

UC Riverside |

Citrus day set for growers, industry professionals

Agricultural field tours, presentations about latest citrus research are planned Jan. 27 at UC Riverside.

UC Riverside |

Citrus curator given endowed chair

Endowed chair will support and maintain UC Riverside's Citrus Variety Collection in perpetuity.