We're a university of college trailblazers
See how we're helping first-gen students thrive
See how we're helping first-gen students thrive
They join faculty, staff, students and university leaders who themselves were the first to go to college. They are an important part of what makes UC great and how we're working to keep California a land of opportunity.
39% of UC undergraduates are first-generation.
— Jessa Fate Bayudan, UCLA
82% of UC's first-generation students graduate within six years... compared with only 11% nationally, among low income first-generation students. (Pell Institute, 2008)
— Olivia Graeve, UC San Diego
7 years after graduation, UC first-gen students' median income has surpassed that of their families.
— Jermaine Griggs, UC Irvine
49% of UC's first-generation students are African American, Latino/Chicano or American Indian.
39% of UC's first-generation students speak English as a second language.
60% of UC's first-generation students are from lower-income households.
— Kim A. Wilcox, UC Riverside
— Esthela Bañuelos, UC Santa Cruz
This policy brief explores how UC serves first-generation students, what is working to help them thrive and how their education contributes to a strong California economy.