Campuses & Locations
UC Berkeley |

150 years of women at the University of California

UC Berkeley celebrates the 150th anniversary of the enrollment of women on campus.
UC San Diego |

The mosquito that repels the dengue virus

An international team of scientists has synthetically engineered mosquitoes that halt dengue virus transmission.
UC Riverside |

America’s most widely consumed cooking oil causes genetic changes in the brain

Soybean oil is linked to metabolic and neurological changes in mice in new research.
UC Newsroom |

Finalists announced for 2020 UC Startup Pitch Showcase

Five UC startups will have the opportunity to pitch their companies to more than 900 business leaders and could win $10 million in funding.

Researchers discover a new source of space weather — too close to home

Magnetic storms form closer to Earth than previously thought, threatening satellites.
UC Davis |

How to successfully pitch your ideas

To successfully pitch ideas to project leaders, base your approach on their identity as an idealist or pragmatist.

Single-payer systems likely to save money in US, analysis finds

Lower administrative and drug costs would be main drivers of cost savings, new study says.
UC Riverside |

Your biggest daily exposure to air pollutants comes while driving your car to work

Learn the best combinations of fan speed and ventilation mode to protect your respiratory health.
UC Santa Barbara |

A teaching tool for a warming world

A new digital platform helps teachers in disciplines from psychology to literature incorporate climate change into their curricula.
UC Santa Cruz |

A better flu shot could be on the horizon

Biomolecular engineer Rebecca DuBois is collaborating on a large NIH project to create a universal vaccine for influenza.
UC Berkeley |

New helmet design can deal with sports’ twists and turns

UC Berkeley neurologist Robert Knight has designed a helmet that can absorb blows today's helmets don't protect against.
UC Newsroom |

Students: Flex your political power. It starts by registering to vote.

Younger voters could have a huge impact on the results in 2020 — but only if they register and vote.