Campuses & Locations

Sugar’s sick secrets: How industry forces have manipulated science to downplay the harm

The sugar industry has driven decades of biased research that shirk sugar's responsibility for chronic disease.
UC Davis |

‘World’s greatest wine library’ continues to grow

A glimpse of UC Davis' bottomless collection.
UC Merced |

Can our forests survive the next drought?

Researchers try to discover how many dry years plants can survive.

Can artificial intelligence tell a polar bear from a can opener?

How closely do deep learning computer networks mimic the human brain? There's still a long way to go, psychologists find.
UC Santa Cruz |

The importance of being tilted

New findings show how a tilt of the head facilitates social interaction, with potential benefits for people with autism.
UC Berkeley |

Iceboxes and jail: Helping immigrant mothers and children held at the border

A week with UC Berkeley lawyer Paula Raffaelli, who volunteered to help detainees navigate the legal system.

Artificial intelligence can detect Alzheimer’s disease in brain scans 6 years before a diagnosis

A machine-learning algorithm diagnosed early-stage Alzheimer’s disease using a common PET scan.
UC San Diego |

Graduate student’s steerable brain device wins big at inventors competition

Gopesh Tilvawala is developing a first-of-its-kind catheter to navigate tiny arteries in the brain.
UC Davis |

Bulldogs’ screw tails linked to human genetic disease

Scientists find the genetic basis for these dogs’ appearance, and link it to a rare inherited syndrome in humans.
UC Santa Barbara |

Coming to America

Historical context helps explain the urgency of present-day Central American migrations.
UC Irvine |

UC Irvine cited as a community college pipeline leader

A new report on the national goal of enrolling 50,000 additional low- and moderate-income students by 2025.

The mystery of the super-ager

Researchers are trying to figure out the secret to some elderly people's success.