Campuses & Locations
UC San Diego |

Low-cost smart glove translates American Sign Language alphabet

Next-gen virtual tool could also be used in fields from telesurgery to defense.

Drug reverses memory failure caused by traumatic brain injury

Brain-injured mice perform as well as normal mice on memory tests after treatment.
UC Santa Cruz |

Oldest university-based organic research and education facility turns 50

Looking back on the food movement and movers of 'the people's farm.'

Why do some people prefer order, and others thrive in uncertainty?

A new study suggests changes in two brain regions could be responsible for attitudes related to risk.
UC Davis |

Remembrance of things past

Being able to reflect on our own memories improves through adolescence, boosting learning ability and IQ.
UC Riverside |

California could get wetter this century

An analysis of 38 climate models suggests the state may want to break out its umbrella.
UC Merced |

Do you post enough for your partner?

Two researchers explore how social media transforms romance, stress and more.
UC Santa Barbara |

Putting a price tag on nature

A new model protects biodiversity by bringing ecology and economics together.
UC Davis |

Firefighters put animal rescue training to use

UC Davis' veterinary expertise helps successfully evacuate a barn in flames.

How safe is vaping?

While public acceptance has grown, more research is needed on health effects.
UC Merced |

Immigration status has health implications for young Latinos, study shows

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) provides psychological benefits to undocumented youth.

Why you might want to go easy on the avocado

'Good fats' may lead to fatty liver disease and other health problems, new research shows.