Campuses & Locations
UC Merced |

UC grant enables deeper, broader Valley fever research

Among 15 projects funded in latest round of multicampus research grants.
UC Davis |

Law school faculty, students, alumni aid detainees

The Immigration Law Clinic provided rapid legal response to those under threat of deportation.
UC Irvine via The Conversation |

Trump’s policies will affect four groups of undocumented immigrants

Four professors examine the potential consequences of the new directives through a research lens.

Binge drinking may quickly lead to liver damage, study finds

Fatty liver, inflammation and enzyme changes found in mice within seven weeks.
UC Santa Barbara |

Origami of the cell

New study provides insight into how folding issues in proteins can result in hardening arteries.

UCLA will lead international study of epilepsy after traumatic brain injuries

$21M grant provides opportunities for determining how epilepsy develops.
UC Santa Cruz |

From Klingon to Dothraki: Understanding invented languages

Students will explore why people make up new dialects.
UC Newsroom |

UC leaders: Executive order is contrary to our values

The university offers its support and guidance to affected students.
UC San Diego |

Biologists discover how viruses hijack cell’s machinery

The process by which viruses 'trick' cells into producing hundreds of new viruses is revealed.
UC Berkeley |

Scientists unveil new form of matter: Time crystals

UC Berkeley and UC Santa Barbara are helping to rewrite the laws of physics.
UC Merced |

UC Merced Blum Center relaunching with focus on food

Will become hub for food-security-related research and outreach on and off campus.
UC Davis |

Are you training for a marathon?

Tips for getting fit with long-distance running.