Campuses & Locations
UC Newsroom |

Tree of life faces deep cuts from climate change

A new study finds rarer, older lineages may go first when climate change leads some species to extinction.
UC Davis |

NIH renews Knockout Mouse Project

$29M award will help to better understand the genetic basis for diseases in humans and animals.
UC San Diego |

Educational needs of ‘students we share’ go unmet

UC-Mexico symposium examines experiences of millions of students on both sides of the border, seeking solutions to improve learning opportunities.
UC Santa Barbara |

Crowdsourcing sea change

Marc and Lynne Benioff's $10M gift establishes initiative at UC Santa Barbara to study and solve ocean issues.
UC Berkeley |

UC Berkeley is No. 1 in global entrepreneurship

Report shows 881 companies were founded by campus undergraduates, more than any other university.
UC Davis |

From classroom to canyon

Join students in a journey of science and discovery as they raft down the Grand Canyon in this immersive web experience.
UC Irvine |

Study links selfies and happiness

Smartphones aren't always negative — for stressed-out college students, sharing photos boosts positive feelings.

Pacific Ocean’s response to greenhouse gases could extend California drought for centuries

New study finds similarities between natural forces that warmed California for millennia and greenhouse gases.
UC Newsroom |

A different way of seeing the world

All-around whiz kid and UC Santa Barbara freshman Malcolm Rashid has learned to use adversity to his advantage.
UC San Diego |

Defining the future of movies with new mobile ticketing platform

A UC San Diego alum counts Disney and 20th Century Fox among investors in his first-of-its-kind startup.
UC Davis |

Maize genetics may show how crops adapt to climate change

In addition to maize, the world needs many other crops able to adapt to new environments.
UC San Francisco |

Scientists predict later allergy and asthma from newborn's microbiome

Researchers believe a wide variety of bacteria in babies' digestive tracts could be key to future health.