Campuses & Locations

A legacy that lives on the walls

A UCLA professor leads young and underserved students from her community on a mural project.
UC San Francisco |

Thinking beyond the drinking water fountain

Water dispensers, cups encourage school children to drink more, study shows.
UC Santa Barbara |

A world without the humanities

A UC Santa Barbara project, 4Humanities, draws attention to the importance of liberal arts in novel ways.
UC Davis |

How cochlear implants help profoundly deaf children

UC Davis studies how shifts in brain function due to deafness could be used to improve hearing aids.
UC Berkeley |

Student-led Suitcase Clinic serves homeless and volunteers alike

UCSF-UC Berkeley effort provides a deeper understanding of what is needed on the streets.
UC Davis |

Working together to weigh a bee

Engineers and entomologists at UC Davis figure out a tricky problem vital to monitoring colony health.
UC San Francisco |

Genetic risk for obesity grew stronger in 'obseogenic' environment

Study lends support to idea that high-calorie diets, sedentariness may be driving obesity epidemic.
UC Irvine |

High risk of wildfire projected for Amazon

UC Irvine and NASA forecast suggests greater danger than in past drought years.
UC San Diego |

UC San Diego undergrads develop low-cost HIV management solution

New system to be tested this summer could transform HIV treatment in low-resource settings.

UCLA reports 1.4 million US adults identify as transgender

New survey finds population doubled from estimates a decade ago.
UC Food Observer |

30 Under 30: Community garden cultivates food justice

Global Food Initiative 30 Under 30 winner is raising awareness about food access.
UC Davis |

California's roadkill hot spots, according to UC Davis

New report equips officials with information to protect state wildlife.