Campuses & Locations
UC Riverside |

One professor’s top holiday movies

UC Riverside media and cultural studies professor Derek Burrill offers his favorites. Warning: Not all these films are reindeer approved.
UC Santa Cruz |

First-in-family college student pursues game design

UC Santa Cruz freshman Briana Sidney is intent on beating the odds on her way to becoming a game designer.

Five early signs of autism

Getting a diagnosis for Autism Spectrum Disorder as early as possible is important for early intervention, UCLA professor Connie Kasari says
UC Newsroom |

UC entrepreneurs win funding at first primeUC competition

Twenty of UC's most promising life-science startups competed for seed funding in the first primeUC competition at UCSF.
UC Davis |

Government chooses UC Davis to monitor nation's fine particles

Crocker Nuclear Laboratory is now the prime contractor for both major federal fine particle air quality monitoring networks.
UC San Diego |

Hospital cafes embrace locavore movement

Farm-to-cafeteria movement is in full swing at UC San Diego Health.
UC Berkeley |

Dire climate forecast inspires upbeat film about solutions for a warmer ‘Tomorrow’

A paper on climate change by UC Berkeley professor Anthony Barnosky inspired the new film "Demain." 
UC Merced |

‘My Merced’ captures UC Merced’s spirit in song

Award-winning composer Jimmy Dunne composes campus’ official alma mater.

Job growth, wage increases to push real GDP growth past 3%

UCLA Anderson Forecast expects steady employment gains in California through 2017.

Scientists design a new method for screening cancer cells

Parallel microfiltration could lead to better treatments for a number of diseases, UCLA-led study says.
UC Berkeley |

CRISPR inventor calls for pause in editing heritable genes

Idea for summit on ethics comes from Jennifer Doudna, the UC Berkeley professor who developed technology that makes it easier to manipulate the human genome.
UC Santa Cruz |

Internships support new concentration in agroecology and sustainable food systems

UC Santa Cruz environmental studies majors gain hands-on experience working on the campus farm and garden.